To be called a "sub" deacon is fitting. It is not a grandiose title. It is not "clerical". It is actually somewhat demeaning... a sub-servant. It is one who washes things, puts things away on the altar, arranges the table of preparation, lights the candles, pours water and carries away the remnants. In short, a clerical bus-boy, the low man on the totem pole in food service. And yet, when I stand in front of the icon of Christ with the pitcher, bowl and draped in the towel I see the Creator of my hands, my feet and see the one who on His last day of earthly life, took up a pitcher of water, draped a towel around Himself and knelt and washed the filthy feet of those who would shortly run from Him on those same feet He had cleansed in humility and love. And He told Peter, "A servant is not above his Master... if I do not wash your feet, you have no part of Me. "
Sub-deacon. It is truly the title of God, the washer of my feet that have run to sin, the One whose blood cleanses my hands that have reached out to iniquity. My feet will now walk within the Altar, my hands will touch the holy things of God. To be deemed worthy to be the lowest servant in the Holy of Holies in order that the people of God may receive Christ's flesh and blood is to be called to imitate Christ. May I be found faithful in the small things.
God grant you Many Years to serve Him faithfully, s-p !
God grant you Many Many years my precious Godfather. Joanna
Blessings to you in your new role. And as it's already been said, many years!
Congratulations and Many Years!
What Mimi said.
Pray for me brother!
Many years!
Many years! Axios!
AXIOS! Many Years!
Axios! Many years!
Wonderful! Many years!
And I don't think the sub-diaconate is anything to sneeze at. Every bishop has one, and they know more about what's going on than most of the other clergy, as near as I can tell.
Axios! Axios!
So good... now you can quit the day job and do something where you won't get hurt.
Knowing our subdeacon and his relationship to our priest... this is a very high honor.
All the best!
Congratulations and may God grant you many years!
I'm sorry I've been absent for so long online - blog reconstruction takes time. :p
Been away for a while. Congratulations.
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