This one slowly shuffled to his pace and he held her arm as they negotiated the puddles and curbs and rough sidewalks of Jerome.
This daughter sat and chatted with her Father as he dripped strawberry ice cream down his chin, over his hands and onto the sidewalk. He couldn't lick it faster than the sun ate it.
Nice to see such loving interactions.....
Great pictures! By the way, I enjoyed your article in AGAIN magazine, which just hit my mailbox a couple of days ago. You make a great Jesus! I like your "Jesus look." But the Fu Manchu is pretty cool too!
awww.simple pleasures of a hot day, plus the interaction of a loving family..*sigh*...Beautiful!
A GodDaughter of yours
Hi Fr. James, Actually the editor of AGAIN found it on my blog and contacted me about printing it. I have another picture from the same VBS in my second blog post
I had the "Jesus look" for a looongg time and after working construction for a few years in AZ, one summer day I said, "It's just too dang hot" and shaved my head and beard. My wife cried. I've lost the Fu Manchu now and am sporting the Russian monastic beard. Clients call me "ZZ Top" now.
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