Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Shameless Self Promotion

I recently did an interview with Kevin Allen of "The Illumined Heart" podcast on Ancient Faith Radio. The topic was "lay ministry in the Orthodox Church". From age six as a Roman Catholic, I always believed I would be a priest. Fifty one years later, it hasn't happened either in the Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church (I left before they "discerned me") or the Orthodox Church (I came THIS close...). I did a three year stint as a protestant minister almost 30 years ago, but got fired. So after nearly 40 years as a "lay minister" in various contexts, I figured heck, why not do the interview. Kevin asked some good questions. Its HERE.


Unknown said...

And folks, Steve is too humble to say this, but this is a GREAT interview. I highly recommend it.

Steve Robinson said...

Wellll...being too humble and knowing better are two different things. :) But thank you, Father.

Cameron Lawrence said...

I agree with Fr. James. Really enjoyed this, Steve. Glad you lent Kevin your time and thoughts.

Mimi said...

I have enjoyed his podcasts before, I'm off to listen. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I, too, enjoyed the interview. Steve, I really appreciated your comments about ministry outside the walls of the church, especially your point that the average layperson has much more impact on others in his or her day-in, day-out interactions than via any "official" church program. Thanks for that reminder.