Monday, July 26, 2010

And now for something completely different...

Tico_Tico _-_ Duo_ Siqueira_Lima
Uploaded by trucysuryonne. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.


Gabe said...

wow, is that neat!

Grace said...

I don't know guitar stuff well enough to understand how you can even do something like this. I thought if one person is strumming a string, another person can't strum it without getting more of a buzz (or a boing) than a note. And I would think that having the strings up on the bridge held down in a chord means that another person can't use the same strings to make another chord.

So I'm saying miracle. Or ... voodoo. Either one. But pretty!

Anonymous said...

It's how a Marriage should look like. Oneness, beautiful, and work together.

Dianne said...

My knowledge of guitar is elementary at best, but I think if you look closely, each player is playing a certain set of strings at any given time. That is, you can see who is playing the top three strings and who is playing the bottom three. And you can see when they change positions, etc.

In any case, this is amazing and beautiful.

Janelle thegeekywife said...

wow wasn't expecting that! Or for it to sound good, since you've put up some weird videos here... Apache... cough cough