Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nativity Thought

I was listening to the Gospel reading this past Sunday, the geneology of Jesus according to Matthew. This week we had all of our kids (and our new grandson) together all at once for Christmas for the first time in ten years. At 56 years and being far enough along to say I can look back on life, the geneology of Jesus took on some human significance for me. In years past in a way they were names, discreet points of reference like dots on history. On Sunday they were people. They had lives, futures, pasts, wives, kids and mundane things like jobs, sins, hopes and dashed dreams. And yet in the mundaneness of life and obliviousness to the working of the providence of God in a picture so big it would not be believed if God Himself told them, their faithfulness, and lack of faithfulness in many cases, brought forth the salvation of the world.

In the hands of God, nothing in our life is therefore insignificant, even to 42 generations hence.


Mimi said...

Christ is Born! What a lovely reflection. Enjoy the feast.

James the Thickheaded said...

Ah... that holiness comes from a motley crewe...indeed I think is part of the message of the lineage. Gives us all hope that at least maybe we can start in the right direction and leave the heavy lifting to those who come after us to take it to tbe next level..right? Just kidding. No, I'm not. I mean... look at me... I'm a mess, right? I think in some ways this is the point... it comes from where least expected...but on further examination... maybe that's what we should have seen.

So now you got me thinking about the wonder of what those grand children will do! Wow. Thanks!

And you're right... the more years we pile on, the more we hear it differently.

Merry Christmas!