Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Orthograph #114 - Fast Food


Ikonophile said...

I would kill for any three of those foods. Having to eat at a university cafeteria where they don't exactly cater to Orthodox fasting seasons, I find myself eating the same three or four things almost every day. A veganaisse potato salad sounds good right about now (no lies).


Anonymous said...

I haven't eaten any tofu this fasting season...I think I am grateful.

Babushka Jo

Anonymous said...

Not much left to spend on charity after buying the soy iterations of the various things you're trying not to eat. Sometimes I think we concentrate on what we're eating so we don't have to concentrate on what we're saying or doing.

We had a venison roast Tuesday night. God saw fit to deliver a deer to us, and I didn't see fit to argue with Him. A meal like that certainly makes me, at least, appreciate and reflect on His benevolent Creation a lot more than than veggie burgers and spaghetti do.

Ikonophile-Talk to the Administration. This is a matter of your faith. As a university, they will appreciate such buzzwords as "religious freedom", "diversity", "ACLU", "litigation" and the like. Also, wear interesting headgear during your meeting.

Avoid the word "Christian", lest they call the campus police.

Anam Cara said...

When I was a catechumen, we were living in Europe. It was Lent. I decided to try (as a baby step) to give up all meat, but not dairy. One day we went to a little sidewalk cafe in Laon, France and the only thing on the menu that was NOT meat was the french fries. I decided to order a grilled sandwich (it was ham and cheese) and asked the waiter NOT to put on the ham. I wanted only cheese. When the plate came, I saw the cheese dripping out of the sides. I took a bite and there, tucked in the middle of each half was - HAM. I opened the sandwich, looked at it, and then told my husband that God must have put the ham there since I had asked specifically not to have it.

When I next went to my meeting with my priest and told him the story, he laughed and said to me, yes, that is the way you are supposed to think about it.

It was during that fast that I also decided that if we aren't supposed to EAT meat, we probably aren't supposed to PRETEND to be eating meat. That soy stuff tasted awful! I won't fall into that trap again. Peanut butter is my friend.

Our son-in-law shot a deer (his first!), but the meat is all in the freezer waiting for Christmas.

Steve Robinson said...

Anon, Yup, I have to eat "cheap" these days and I'd rather give 5 bucks to the guy on the freeway ramp than Morningstar. If we got free meat it would be on the table. I know the fake stuff is "legally" OK (and of course that's not the real point of fasting anyway, but...), but if I want a hot dog so bad I'd eat a cardboard version, I'll either eat cardboard or a real hotdog. Now if only I could figure out how Pei Wei does their tofu. Its amazing.

Svetlana said...

You know, I'm not fasting at all. But the food in this hospital is a punishment. It's not even a question of "would you rather..." (a favorite game of our children) or is it healthy (it isn't), but how much will you regret eating thr hospital meat loaf vs trying to survive on pain pills and saltines.

Unknown said...

Easy things to do:

1. If you can find a Southern Indian restaurant, they serve vegetarian only, and about 70% or so vegan only dishes.

2. Pan fried ripe plantains.

3. Mashed sweet potatoes - cut them small and put them in a non-stick pot with a little too much oil, and cook on very low heat.

4. Fresh bread dipping in olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Anonymous said...

Ick! One word, man: buckwheat. We had pasta with aglio e olio this morning and even my toddler ate it. Glory to God.

Steve Robinson said...

Salaam, vegan Indian food is my favorite, unfortunately my wife and daughter aren't crazy about curry. We have several really good "hole in the wall" Indian restaurants around here. And yes, sweet potato with brown sugar, margarine and peanut butter makes a good meal.

justjamey said...

I told my girlfriend the other day that the only way I was going to make it through this fast is if we went to the Oriental Supermarket and stocked up on goodies to make Thai and Indian food. So far, it's really helped. :)

And fruit smoothies are a good way to start the day. Don't tell anyone I said that, though.

Anonymous said...

You guys have to meet my godsister at my church. She can make any veggie seem like a delicacy! Go Greek! :)

Anonymous said...

babushkajo: "Go Greek!" you say. That's funny, because among Greeks around here, as far as I can tell, it's kind of like that scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. "What, he don't eat no meat? That's okay; I make lamb!"

But hey. I appreciate their laid-back style. The antidote to convert OCD fasting.

Ranger said...

I think one of the keys to fasting, and believe me, I am awful at it, is to consider the cost. If I buy a half gallon of soymilk, that generally costs as much as one gallon of the real thing, then I use half as much in my cereal bowl.