Friday, September 24, 2010

Orthgraph #103 - He Who Hesitates...


Anonymous said...

I have often regretted sending e-mails. Or posting blog comments. Or speaking in large meetings. Anywhere but in a normal conversation where I can have feedback and respond to it.

Kassianni said...


Ranger said...

exactly, from an occasional and hopefully recovering ranter, you hit the nail on the head!

Anonymous said...

For something you can't call back, those emails and blog comments sure have a way of boomeranging.

DebD said...

Same us true of pressing the "Publish" button.

justjamey said...

Steve, I get what you're saying, but I don't understand the key. I read it as the shorter time until you hit send, the less regret you'll have, but you'll have more regret if you take longer to hit send. Or something.

Shouldn't the line go the other direction? I won't regret this.

Steve Robinson said...

justjamey, Hm. Oh... The "Hit Send Key" is numerical times you hit it, not length of time one procrastinates hitting it. What, you couldn't read my mind? :)