Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Orthograph #2 - Teachers


mamajuliana said...

Today is my second 'anniversary' being Orthodox. Coffee hour is still hard for me...that means I'm not even on that chart yet!

I also LOVE the To DO list!

Anonymous said...

My wife does not like coffee hour, so we don't stay. Part of the problem is that they want to "prepare" stuff before coffee hour so there's a weird time where we sit and listen to a reading from the Prologue and then our priest talks about a book he's been reading (like the Arena or something). It's like something between a class and "killin' time".

So we just head out.

margaret said...

I love coffee hour. I love schmoozing. I don't answer questions though, unless someone really wants another six dumpling recipes or 12 more things to do with cabbage. There I feel safe.

Steve Robinson said...

Our Mission has one of the best "agape meal coffee hours" I know of. Always good food that is done beforehand, ready to go after liturgy, almost everyone stays, lots of good fellowship, a few "convert discussions" happen now and then. Fr. Damian does a class separately to give people time to greet and spend time with visitors etc etc. Visitors tell us they love the family atmosphere.

VASILIKI said...

We dont do coffee hour at my parish however the habits are the same :-)

Tooo true - well, I am Orthodox 34 years ... so, you guys can imagine how much I must but in ...


Moo! said...

GH, 34 years? Which means you probably SHOULD be the one butting in. :)

VASILIKI said...

I do my best but people get cranky!

In Christ, Gentle Heart, X.

Hilarius said...

Love the Orthographs, Steve!

In Xp

Eric John

Round Table Counseling said...

the risk of real relationship, the sharing of sorrow, pain, and joy! the risk of not being acceptable or loveable if the truth about me is known to anyone besides Jesus!